The main purpose
Centerline butterfly valves are usually used in water supply, drainage, and gas pipelines with temperatures ≤120°C and nominal pressures ≤1.6MPa to regulate flow and cut off fluids.
• The structural characteristics of the centerline butterfly valve are that the valve stem axis, butterfly plate center, and body center are at the same position; the sealing material is rubber, polytetrafluoroethylene and other materials;
• Novel and reasonable design, unique structure, light weight, fast opening and closing;
• The operating torque of the butterfly valve is small, easy to operate, labor-saving and dexterous;
• Small size, light weight, small installation space, low cost, can be installed in any position, and easy to maintain;
• The seals can be replaced, and the sealing performance is reliable and achieves two-way sealing and zero leakage;
• The valve can be connected with wafer type or flange type;
• The driving mode is worm gear transmission, manual, pneumatic or electric.
Main design specifications